Daily Archives: October 12, 2011

EA SPORTS PS3 Under-14 Futsal Tournament 29th October @ The Cage

Greetings, football fans!

Those among you who are parents of teenagers may be wondering how to wean your precious offspring from the irresistibly addictive “finger exercise” that is FIFA 12 and get them off the couch to do some “real” exercise. (Why would you even do such a thing, you evil, evil people?! Unless you want to get them out of the house so you can play some FIFA 12 that they’ll undoubtedly be hogging after their exams, then that’s justifiable… And brilliantly sneaky…*applause*). Or maybe you are a teenager, unshackled from the deathly grip of exam fever, looking to blow off some excess energy or just something fun to do with a bunch of your mates on a lazy Saturday…

Whatever your  reasons are, I am sure you’ll be glad to learn that EA Singapore, together with Sony Playstation 3 and organizers ESPZEN, is providing our young “virtual footballers” a stage to parade their very own real-world dazzling footballing skills at the EA SPORTS PS3 Under-14 Futsal Tournament. Held at The Cage, located at 38 Jalan Benaan Kapal, just a short walk away from the new Stadium MRT station, this 29th October 2011 event promises a great day of fun, clean physical exertion for all participants. What better way than a good workout to expend all that pent-up examination stress?!

All you have to do is form teams of 8 and register over at this site. Oh, also just make sure all the players are aged 14 and below, yeah? But hurry, cause places are limited! Registration per team is only $30! That’s only $3.75 per player! To further sweeten the deal, each player receives a free sponsored jersey that’s theirs to keep! You can’t even buy a cup of Koi Bubble Tea with $3.75, let alone a jersey! Oh, and there’s fantastic prizes to be won too! The top 2 teams will be receiving medals and trophy while the overall champs also walk away with a copy of EA Sport’s newly-released FIFA 12 for their choice of either the Sony PS3, XBOX 360 or PC for each player on the team! (Terms and conditions apply)

So parents, what are you waiting for?! Hold off on buying that extra bowl of laksa/wanton mee/ba kut teh/whatever, pass that $3.75 to your kids, get them to psycho 7 other friends to form a team (This shouldn’t be much of a problem unless your kids are socially inept, like me. I have no friends… Sorry, digressing…) and get them to register now! Then kick back, relax and enjoy the peace and quiet of a teenager-free day on 29th October, safe in the knowledge that they are out having some healthy exercise… (Come on parents, admit it, you were thinking that, weren’t you? Be honest, I won’t judge… much…) As for the teenagers, you guys never really needed much reason to hang out with your friends and have fun, so why not, especially when there’s chance to win something while you’re at it, right? Win-win situation…

Hope to see all our budding future Lions/Lionesses on the 29th of October at The Cage! Remember to bring along your scoring boots, guys and gals! To find out more about The Cage and directions on how to get there, please surf on over to their official webpage located here. For further details and the rules and regulations of the event , click here.

Till then, happy gaming!